October was a busy month for awareness in the speech, language, and hearing sciences field! Check out this infographic to learn more about Dyslexia, AAC, Audiology, and Stuttering! For more information, go to : https://www.asha.org/events/observances/
Author: Kelleher, Emma
Sean Stenglein presents to 2nd Year MA-SLP students!
October is AAC month! Sean Stenglein, a 26 year old, with cerebral palsy communicates through the use of Tobii Dynavox’s I-16+ speech generating device with the Communicator 5 language system via eye gaze. Today, he presented at SLHS’s graduate level AAC course to 19 second year MA SLP students. Sean is an amazing advocate for […]
Spring Course Offering for Undergraduate Students
Attention current SLHS Undergraduates: Interested in gaining mentorship experience? Enroll in our spring only course! Collaborative Learning & Academic Engagement : Our mentorship course connects first-year students with experienced mentors, faculty, and clinicians in the SLHS program. Mentees receive personalized guidance in academics, research, and community involvement, while mentors enhance leadership skills and build professional […]
Ph.D. in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
The Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences is recruiting diverse and passionate scholars to join our program in the fall of 2025! To learn more information about our admission requirements, individualized coursework, and experienced research faculty, check out the link to our website below: https://speech-language-hearing.uconn.edu/graduate/phd/
Congratulations on Retirement, Dr. Grela, CCC-SLP!
Congratulations, Dr. Grela! Join us in congratulating Dr. Bernard Grela on his retirement! Dr. Grela worked in the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences department at the University of Connecticut for 25 years. Dr. Grela was an Associate Professor and is a speech-language pathologist. His area of expertise includes language and literacy disorders in children, and […]
Madison Formanek publishes honors thesis on DLD
Congratulations to Madison Formanek, a second-year Audiology graduate student, for her honors thesis being published this month. Along with Dr. Tammie Spaulding, Madison investigated task persistence in preschoolers with DLD, and is being featured on ASHAWebs’s social media! To read the complete study, click the link below: https://pubs.asha.org/doi/10.1044/2024_LSHSS-23-00196
Fall 2024 Graduate Program Open House
Interested in learning more about our Speech-Language Pathology and/or Audiology graduate programs? Join us at 12pm on October 10th, either virtually or in person in the Human development building! Webex Links: SLP-https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m6f605e1b3fd9f53d1920f3272f685878 AuD: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/meet/kmc02015